Hope of a Nation...
South Sudan, ravaged by the war, was left desolate.
This is the story of the rebuild, life-giving habitation of the land,
and the most recent desolation that occurred
as South Sudan was subjected to war once again.
Hope of a Nation...
South Sudan, ravaged by the war, was left desolate.
This is the story of the rebuild, life-giving habitation of the land,
and the most recent desolation that occurred
as South Sudan was subjected to war once again.
Walk the Land...
On Pastor Bill's first visit to South Sudan, he accompanied Pastor Stanley in a "tour" of the land. As he and Pastor Stanley "walked the land" that had been given him by the elders, Pastor Stanley shared the vision God had given him to rebuild this barren land into a "safe haven" for the children that had been orphaned by the war.
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